Jaunt-RSocket-RPC, Spring-RSocket, GRPC: quantitative and qualitative comparison

September 3, 2021
RSocket Mstreams java

Earlier this year we described weaknesses of Spring RSocket-java implementation that resulted in awful throughput, latency & garbage production: key metrics for core networking library.

Latest Spring-RSocket uses RSocket/RSocket-java version 1.1.1, and wraps up almost a year of progress made on the library.

The goal of this post is to re-evaluate that progress against both current jauntsdn/RSocket-RPC (not yet publicly available), and grpc/grpc-java.

Jauntsdn-RSocket-RPC vs Spring-RSocket-CBOR: quantitative comparison

jauntsdn/RSocket-RPC is remote procedure call system using streaming libraries (GRPC-API or several reactive - including RSocket-reactor) for networking & APIs, and Protocol Buffers as sole data format. It relies on code generation with protobuf C++ plugin extensions, and is compatible with GRPC.

Spring-RSocket (version 2.5.3) offers reflection-heavy client and server on top of RSocket-java. Both are configured with HttpMessageEncoder and HttpMessageDecoder from spring’s http stack. Each call starts with interpolated “route” template string, followed by message encoding/decoding operators chain (for client chain size varies from 7 for request-response to 14 for request-channel).

Out of 2 serialization options suggested in their docs we choose CBOR instead of JSON as more compact so theoretically faster.

Additionally GRPC-java (1.37) only setup is used as performance base line. Both client and server are configured with static flow control window of 1_000_000.

Our objective is quick performance re-evaluation since 1 million streams. part2, so only single vCPU throughput is measured for 2 common interactions: request-stream (single infinite stream) and request-response (continuous window of requests).

Payload sizes are selected as follows:
4 (practical minimum: packed telemetry), 140 (tweet in latin) bytes

Tests were conducted on 12 vCPU commodity box running linux 5.4.0/OpenJDK 11.0.11, with non-TLS TCP transport.



11:33:17.378 rsocket-netty-io-transport-epoll-1-1 com.jauntsdn.rsocket.rpc.examples.stream.client.Main client received messages: 3485145
11:33:18.378 rsocket-netty-io-transport-epoll-1-1 com.jauntsdn.rsocket.rpc.examples.stream.client.Main client received messages: 3458668
11:33:19.378 rsocket-netty-io-transport-epoll-1-1 com.jauntsdn.rsocket.rpc.examples.stream.client.Main client received messages: 3468615


2021-09-03 12:15:12.766  INFO 11603 --- [     parallel-2] s.r.stream.client.ClientApplication      : client received messages: 548060
2021-09-03 12:15:13.766  INFO 11603 --- [     parallel-2] s.r.stream.client.ClientApplication      : client received messages: 541163
2021-09-03 12:15:14.766  INFO 11603 --- [     parallel-2] s.r.stream.client.ClientApplication      : client received messages: 522535


12:32:16.273 pool-2-thread-1 com.jauntsdn.grpc.stress_test.stream.Main  client received messages: 1667608
12:32:17.273 pool-2-thread-1 com.jauntsdn.grpc.stress_test.stream.Main  client received messages: 1687596
12:32:18.273 pool-2-thread-1 com.jauntsdn.grpc.stress_test.stream.Main  client received messages: 1657052


12:21:18.751 rsocket-netty-io-transport-epoll-1-1 com.jauntsdn.rsocket.rpc.examples.stream.client.Main client received messages: 2519878
12:21:19.751 rsocket-netty-io-transport-epoll-1-1 com.jauntsdn.rsocket.rpc.examples.stream.client.Main client received messages: 2426705
12:21:20.737 rsocket-netty-io-transport-epoll-1-1 com.jauntsdn.rsocket.rpc.examples.stream.client.Main client received messages: 2426704


2021-09-03 12:20:06.531  INFO 12357 --- [     parallel-2] s.r.stream.client.ClientApplication      : client received messages: 497637
2021-09-03 12:20:07.531  INFO 12357 --- [     parallel-2] s.r.stream.client.ClientApplication      : client received messages: 493875
2021-09-03 12:20:08.531  INFO 12357 --- [     parallel-2] s.r.stream.client.ClientApplication      : client received messages: 497627


12:36:51.114 pool-2-thread-1 com.jauntsdn.grpc.stress_test.stream.Main  client received messages: 1004188
12:36:52.114 pool-2-thread-1 com.jauntsdn.grpc.stress_test.stream.Main  client received messages: 1026791
12:36:53.114 pool-2-thread-1 com.jauntsdn.grpc.stress_test.stream.Main  client received messages: 988619

With request-streams spring-RSocket not only 6x slower (3.4M vs 0.55M) than jauntsdn-RSocket-RPC, but 2-3x slower than GRPC-java itself - “legacy” library It was aiming to supersede.



12:23:41.381 rsocket-netty-io-transport-epoll-1-1 com.jauntsdn.rsocket.rpc.examples.response.client.Main client received messages: 1489591
12:23:42.383 rsocket-netty-io-transport-epoll-1-1 com.jauntsdn.rsocket.rpc.examples.response.client.Main client received messages: 1504273
12:23:43.382 rsocket-netty-io-transport-epoll-1-1 com.jauntsdn.rsocket.rpc.examples.response.client.Main client received messages: 1493177


2021-09-03 12:23:49.258  INFO 12745 --- [     parallel-2] s.r.response.client.ClientApplication    : client received messages: 101036
2021-09-03 12:23:50.258  INFO 12745 --- [     parallel-2] s.r.response.client.ClientApplication    : client received messages: 102121
2021-09-03 12:23:51.258  INFO 12745 --- [     parallel-2] s.r.response.client.ClientApplication    : client received messages: 102134


12:38:15.146 pool-2-thread-1 com.jauntsdn.grpc.stress_test.response.Main client received messages: 89277
12:38:16.146 pool-2-thread-1 com.jauntsdn.grpc.stress_test.response.Main client received messages: 91057
12:38:17.146 pool-2-thread-1 com.jauntsdn.grpc.stress_test.response.Main client received messages: 91510


12:24:34.828 rsocket-netty-io-transport-epoll-1-1 com.jauntsdn.rsocket.rpc.examples.response.client.Main client received messages: 1072298
12:24:35.829 rsocket-netty-io-transport-epoll-1-1 com.jauntsdn.rsocket.rpc.examples.response.client.Main client received messages: 1065523
12:24:36.828 rsocket-netty-io-transport-epoll-1-1 com.jauntsdn.rsocket.rpc.examples.response.client.Main client received messages: 1058572


2021-09-03 12:25:13.025  INFO 13023 --- [     parallel-2] s.r.response.client.ClientApplication    : client received messages: 93324
2021-09-03 12:25:14.025  INFO 13023 --- [     parallel-2] s.r.response.client.ClientApplication    : client received messages: 92235
2021-09-03 12:25:15.025  INFO 13023 --- [     parallel-2] s.r.response.client.ClientApplication    : client received messages: 94413


12:43:11.855 pool-2-thread-1 com.jauntsdn.grpc.stress_test.response.Main client received messages: 85854
12:43:12.855 pool-2-thread-1 com.jauntsdn.grpc.stress_test.response.Main client received messages: 82733
12:43:13.855 pool-2-thread-1 com.jauntsdn.grpc.stress_test.response.Main client received messages: 82587

On request-response situation turned bleak very quickly for spring-RSocket: 10x-14x slower (1.4M vs 0.1M) than jauntsdn-RSocket-RPC. I didn’t believe the measurements at first, so had to double check - setup was correct.

On the bright side, spring-RSocket holds on par against GRPC - with one digit percent advantage.

Let’s look at these results from practical point - with current Spring, 80% (request-stream) to 90% (request-response) of CPU time is wasted processing RSocket/RSocket-java & framework internals - share of the cloud infra money that are turned into heat on datacenter hardware.


Several recent cases 1, 2, 3, 4 demonstrate that latest Spring RSocket/RSocket-java servers are still subject to trivial denial-of-service attacks, and look like implemented for happy case only.

3 interactions (request-response, request-stream, request-channel) of 4 may be used for server memory overflow, plus one case of server file descriptors exhaustion.

They are similar in spirit to those reported last year for general-availability version of RSocket/RSocket-java (enumerated at top of the post).

Spring-RSocket: false promise

With Spring and RSocket/RSocket-java, specialized binary, purpose-built cloud L5 protocol has worse performance over TCP than pre-existing GRPC-java over http2 - general purpose internet protocol.

It leaves false impression of RSocket-as-protocol deficiency, while in reality It solely reflects engineering capacity, goals & decisions of organization behind Spring & RSocket/RSocket-java.

RSocket-as-protocol is capable of times better throughput with very small latency/GC pressure compared to GRPC - if proper implementation is in place.

When coupled with Reactive-Streams library (at least 3 of production ready quality available for JVM), RSocket enables bidirectional exchange of non-blocking message streams across processes (unix sockets) and networks (tcp, websockets, http2, udp/quic), at rate of millions messages per core, with few milliseconds latency.

Spring’s RSocket state is caused by questionable foundation of RSocket/RSocket-java, bloated metadata encoding, switching from approach of single data format & codegen to data format abstraction plus reflection - which cannot be efficient or optimized due to substantial difference between data formats.

Note that both jauntsdn/RSocket-RPC-reactor and Spring RSocket/RSocket-java use same non-blocking primitives provided by netty & project-reactor, but have 5x-10x throughput difference - textbook example on consequences if proper design, scope & conservative dependencies are neglected.

Unification vs specialization

Unification vs specialization is a tradeoff: in particular for data, with former It is not possible to have “universal” optimizations, effective on multiple considerably different data formats - performance is traded for pluggability.

As enterprise applications framework Spring follows unification paradigm from its inception, so every piece of It is designed pluggable - at the expense of efficiency.

Unfortunately, as soon as server applications started being deployed to thoroughly metered 3rd party cloud VMs, efficiency and resources usage became significant concern.

That’s why jauntsdn/RSocket-RPC specializes on single data format - Protocol Buffers. It is compact, fast, widely supported and native for GRPC.

In case of spring-RSocket substituting codec with protobuf did not increase throughput, and also did not make It directly accessible to GRPC clients, despite proven RSocket-GRPC streams interoperability.

Jauntsdn-RSocket-RPC vs GRPC: qualitative comparison

Both jauntsdn/RSocket-RPC and GRPC are based on Protocol Buffers (protobuf). They rely on protobuf compiler’s service extensions framework to generate client & server stubs from language agnostic service and message definitions.

GRPC service APIs are callbacks based, while jauntsdn/RSocket-RPC APIs are Publisher based: which means they are composable, and represent errors and cancellations as first class concept.

Performance evaluation of RSocket-RPC was presented earlier, let’s continue with short list of qualitative differences between the two:

📌 Summary: alternative RSocket library for high performance network applications on JVM

February 1, 2023
RSocket Mstreams java

Alternative RSocket-RPC: fast application services communication and transparent GRPC bridge

May 20, 2021
RSocket Mstreams java grpc

RSocket-JVM: streamlining implementation for each vendor platform

April 22, 2021
RSocket Mstreams java